On Wednesday the 17th at 9:30 I went in to the hospital to get a new hip. We waited around and waited some more, finally, around 3:00 I went in and fell asleep. I woke up with a fuzzy head and a painful leg, making jokes that I thought were a lot funnier than they probably were. (Either due to after effects of anesthesia or the effects of being Austin) I got to my room about 9:00, said hi to Tracie and went to bed.
I stayed in the hospital until Sunday (what day is today, anyway? Friday? ok) finding out that the average recovery time for a hip, femur and knee replacement is somewhere in the 4-6 week department, not the 4-6 days I had hoped. I enjoyed some of the best hospital food I've ever had, some of the kindest, most attentive nurses as well as some of the worst, least people friendly ones. I began physical therapy, impressed at my ability as well as my eagerness to get out of there.
It seems that every day I've had an additional hardship to overcome, as the leg one remains. The first day after surgery, I did everything necessary to get the catheter removed, as I hate catheters more than I hate communism. I then wasn't able to use the bathroom sitting down (I'm talking about poop here) for about 5 days, fun. I've dealt with days of nonstop itching (from pain pill side effects, healing incisions, and hair growing back that they shaved off) sweating so much I dreamed I was underwater, having complications with some of the pain pills meaning I had one fun filled night of hallucinations and hearing voices.
I keep saying that I long for the day that it's JUST my leg that's bothering me, not the bad trips, sweating, itching, back aches, etc.
Though I do seem to be healing soon, and it may be just the leg in pain in a few days/week.
Thanks all for your prayers and all you're doing to help us take care of our home and baby boy.