Apr 20, 2010

Happy Birthday George Takei!

And me.


Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

It's going to take a while for me to remember that your birthday is on April 20th. Just keeping track of the people I grew up with is getting hard.

Hope you had a great birthday. Plus soon you will be celebrating with tracie!!

Ammon said...

You share a birthday with more than just George Takei, here are some of your other birthday buddies:
Muhammed (571 AD)
Tito Puente (1923)
Steve Spurrier (1945)
Luther Vandross (1951)
Andy "Gollum" Serkis (1964)
Crispin "George McFly" Glover (1964)
Joey "Whoa" Lawrence (1976)

Happy be-lated Birthday!