Thursday I had Digital Prepress. It's one of the classes I took last semester, so I pretty much knew what to expect. The teacher wasn't there, so I guess I was wrong. I plan to ask him if he'll accept assignments I did last semester, if so, this shouldn't be too hard. Though it shouldn't be as hard as last semester anyway.
Today (Friday) I had Creative Writing. After reading horror stories and hate mail re: the teacher, I was quite surprised how fun and smart she seems. It's possible it could just be an act, but I like her and the course overview enough to give it a try. I already have 2 writing assignments and I'm looking forward to both.
I'm starting to feel like I'm going to be in school forever, as I've been in and out of formal education for about 24 years now. Fortunately, that 24 years started in preschool, not college for 24 years, as I would owe more money and know a lot less than I do.
For our first in-class assignment, she had us write a paragraph starting one of these sentences (we had to choose which one):
The kind of literature I would be is a ______________. (If I wrote this, I would have said an unfinished novel).
To me, the greatest literary work ever is ______________. (If I wrote this, I would have said Oscar Wilde.)
A creative writer's job is all about ______________. (If I wrote a this a one, I would have said concision.)
Creative writing is a lot like ______________. (If I wrote this, I would have said marriage.)
Which one did I actually write about? What do you think? The last one. I don't have the paper with me because I turned it in (one of the problems with assignments, the teacher has to read them). Here's the gist of how I compared the two. Like a marriage, creative writing is a lot of work, but can be very fulfilling. It can be fun or dreadful at times. Like marriage, creative writing is often best when you're doing it with someone else, (get your mind out of there) and your stories can be compared to your children. (You writers out there know what I'm talking about). You love them, you're proud of them, and there are times you can't believe you made something so beautiful.
If you had to, which one would you write about? Or answer all of them, I want to know! No, really, I do. Stop looking at me like that and just reply! Come on, do it! Don't ask why.
My answers:
The kind of literature I would be is a dime paperback.
To me, the greatest literary work ever is The Metamorphosis.
A creative writer's job is all about writing.
Creative writing is a lot like smoking. You know it's bad for you, but you do it anyway.
AWESOME answers, Jacob, thanks for sharing.
Ok, who's next?
The kind of literature I would be is a mystery or a dictionary.
To me, the greatest literary work ever is (if I have to chose one, though I think it's possible I haven't read the greatest yet) A Tale of Two Cities.
A creative writer's job is all about persistence.
Creative writing is a lot like I don't know. I hate similes. I suck, suck, suck at writing them.
I want to change one of my answers:
A creative writer's job is all about ego.
There, I said it.
30s detective novel
finding his or her voice
The Fugitive - you're Harrison Ford (I didn't kill my wife) and I'm Tommy Lee Jones (I don't care) - and your job is to convince me why I should
The kind of literature I would be is poetry. Most people don't like it because they don't understand it.
To me, the greatest literary work ever is The Velveteen Rabbit. For reals.
A creative writer's job is all about revealing new perspectives.
Creative writing is a lot like dance. Everyone can try it, but only few naturally talented, intensively trained and well-practiced individuals will really create something of substance.
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