The real reason of course was I wasn't ready to let him go to Nursery. But, this past Sunday, I agreed that it was time. Taking him to Nursery, he practically leapt into the arms of one of the adults in Nursery and started playing with the toys, not even bothering to look back at mom and dad. He appeared quite content and all but proclaimed the Nursery workers 'new mom and dad.' I felt a bit hurt and abandoned, something I thought/secretly wanted Morgan to do. But then we went to Sunday school. And actually were able to listen and participate. And then I went to Priesthood. And actually was able to listen and participate.
During Sunday school the Nursery workers brought Morgan back to me to change his stinky ways, and Morgan seemed indignant and frustrated. As if I was the one responsible for the inconvenience of dragging him away from his grand old time in the Nursery.
Apart from the poopy interlude, Morgan seemed happy, I was able to stay in class longer than 3 minutes and actually pay attention, and it gave me time to miss him (not that I'm looking for more time to miss my family, but still). I am glad our son is now 18 months and for the WONDERFUL blessing that is Nursery.
Indeed! God bless Nursery workers!!!
I didn't hear about the messy diaper part. How dare you take time of our playing to change him?
Sometimes I like the excuse of having to take my baby out or home for a nap, like anytime the RS sings during sacrament meeting but when Holden is 18 months we'll probably drop him off and go out to lunch and come back for him. Yes. We are that bad.
I don't know how "our playing" got there. That was supposed to be "playtime."
the best free babysitting everu
that's awesome! i can't believe he is 18 months already. Matthew was the only kid out of my 4 total that would run to nursery before the closing prayer was done in sac meeting!! The rest would scream and cry and carry on, esp Leah.
Yay for Nursery!!!
Ha ha, go you guys! We can't wait to send Isaac to nursery... but I think that day will still be hard. Morgan is such a funny kid; glad he had a great time in nursery.
Glad the first trip to the nursery was a successful one for you guys. Now, y'all just have to keep him entertained for 70 minutes during sacrament meeting so that y'all can enjoy remaining 110 minutes.
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