I began the schedule ok. It was somewhat crazy, but handicapped parking made it doable. However, because I'm not the only handicapped person at UVU (just the cutest) I had found it progressively harder to even get a handicapped spot when going to the LA building or returning to the GT building.
So today I had the bright idea of walking to all my classes. That way I'd get to keep the sweet handicapped spot and get a little exercise too. What I got instead was covered in sweat, 20 minutes late to class, and the inability to stay in my drawing class. Now I'm in so much pain I don't know if I can stay at work.
If I never exercise how will I ever get better, but it's really depressing when walking makes my entire day shot.
I'm beginning to think that 18 hours of school, 34 hours of work and 30 hours of sleep a week is too much, too much and not enough. Fortunately I have a great job as well as a wonderful family I can fall back on and who are very understanding. Because right now I feel a lot like the fish in the middle of that picture up top.
But, as Tracie (and Dori) would say, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming swimming!" I'll try to keep swimming as long as I can walk.
In happier news, I am loving most of my classes, especially Interactive Design. I've gone from feeling like the dumbest person in class for my early design classes to the smartest person, since I know what HTML is. Go me.
Holy Hannah, that sounds rough, and I am perfectly healthy. Hang in there.
Baby steps!
Maybe you can see if UVU can provide you with a golf cart or a Segway
I'm still hoping for a chauffeur, but they've been ignoring my requests for a private masseuse (or masseur, I'm not picky) so I'm trying not to get too optimistic about it.
My husband just rides his scooter to and fro whenever his classes are on the opposite sides of campus. Of course, he can't do it whenever it's cold...
You are in training. One day you will have a demanding job, that's everything you dream of and yet more difficult than you ever imagined, and this right now will seem like cake.
Maybe you should get a Segway. I don't know if those are legal at UVU though.
Ya, I totally understand why all student jobs on BYU campus are capped at 20 hours. YOu can't work full time and go to school full time, unless you are a also the class president and on the soccer, basketball, and tennis teams. Or happy with D's.
I don't know why anyone in their right mind would ever do more than 16 hours while working part time, and since you are full time, and have a baby, I'm pretty certain you are insane. keep walking, just you might need to schedule more time between your classes in the future so you can go at a leisurely pace. Until then, I should walk polo to your place every day and make you walk with us a little, except that your never home... your always at work or school.
Hang on, it gets better. Unless, of course, it doesn't. In which case you can always look forward to sweet, sweet death.
No, it'll get better. I'm sure of it.
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