Jan 10, 2013

First Week de Schule

Technically my first week of my last semester isn't until tomorrow, but I've gone to all my classes at least once and I think it's time to post about it, don't you? Well, I'm going to do it anyway.

Creative Process & Imaginative Writing (Creative Writing): From my favorite teacher of all time. First assignment was to write my obituary. I was grotesquely optimistic.
Opinion of class/instructor: So far, so awesome.

Intro to Marketing: I went to two classes of this before I decided this would be the class to drop. (Loyal readers and psychics may recall I wanted to/felt like I should drop one of my classes). The teacher does roll (or is it role?) every morning, and it's an hour long class, and there are @ 60 students, so it takes about half the class time just to take roll. Plus it was boring and I didn't anticipate being placed in a good group.
Opinion of class/instructor: Not worth my time.

History of Contemporary Art: I like this class and teacher a lot. I've had her once before and am looking forward to taking another class from her. 
Opinion of class/instructor: See above.
Intermediate Poetry writing: I signed up for this class mostly just to take a class from this instructor. Though I love poetry and think much of it has more in common with design than practically anything else, I'm not sure how "useful" it will be, but at least I should have a good time if nothing else. It also has the largest number of outside projects, from attending 5 poetry readings to giving "literary service" like tutoring, teaching, or what I'll be doing, working on the school literary journal.
Opinion of class/instructor: I think I made the right choice.

Flash Animation for Illustration: I believe Flash is dying but for animation it may still be viable. Not that I want to be an illustrator, but it's something else to put on my resume.
Opinion of class/instructor: Seems knowledgeable and talented both at Flash and teaching, but we'll see.

And that is it. If anyone is interested, or curious, let me know what you'd like me to blog about in the future, as I'm personally a little sick of blogging about school 90% of the time. And if I'm sick of it, I'm guessing so are you.

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