It's me in ABC's. You can do it too.
A - Age: 27 and 8 days
B - Bed size: queen with a wonderful mattress topper
C - Chore you hate: All of them
D - Dog's name: Never had one. If I did, I'd name him Alouicious. Or Gizmo.
E - Essential start your day item: Shower
F - Favorite color(s): Red
G - Gold or Silver: Gold!!!!
H - Height: 6'1 1/2" (depending on what leg I'm standing on)
I - Instruments you play: Once upon a time, piano, trumpet and french horn. Now, my voice if I'm lucky. Or nothing, if you're lucky.
J - Job title: Technical Support Representative
K - Kid(s): one on the way (6 weeks left!)
L - Living arrangements: fourplex apt (for now)
M - Mom's name: Alice
N - Nicknames: Aust, Ozzie, Austintatious, Awesome Austin
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: the longest was about a month during chemo
P - Pet Peeve: the word "peeve," and people who don't flush after themselves in public toilets.
Q - Quote from a movie: "You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles."
R - Right or left handed: leftopotamus
S - Siblings: 4
T - Time you wake up: 7:31
U- Underwear: clean. magical.
V - Vegetable you dislike: chard.
W - Workout style: walking and yoga
X - X-rays you've had: chest, teeth, leg.
Y - Yesterday's best moment: being DONE with the semester!!!
Z - Zoo favorite: monkeys and snakes
Oh, hello, there you are. I was wondering where you went
yeah, welcome back. So umm, clean and magical underwear huh? Know where I can get that? (seeing how my laundry piles up everyday!)
Btw, wanted to say that "leftopotamus" cracked me up. I have such a silly husband. Love you.
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