While we don't have invites, a theme, a location, a guest list, or much else planned right now, but against all attempts otherwise, Morgan is turning 1 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). On June 18, and we want to throw him a party. Not so much so he'll remember, but so you (locals) can see how cute he is and how big he's getting. And hey, free cake! (Not necessarily free, as you'll be bringing a present, most likely)*
* not required, but nice. :)
The 18th is a Friday, but we're having the party on a Saturday, so on the 19th, save the date for a kicking one year birthday celebration extravaganza cake with friends and a one year old Morgan!
Skype us in and we'll be there!
you can skype us in, too
pls let us know what size Moby wears so we can send a present
love from the TexBex
What a big little guy!
oh no nonono. i absolutely refuse to believe he is one years old. no. I do not accept. I only got to hold him like two times when he was like 6 pounds and 2 inches long (or something like that) I demand that you put him back the way he was, so I can hold and snuggle him again.
Or come and visit us :0)
The trick is to bring a present of lesser to equal value of the amount of cake you'll be consuming so that the net effect is in one's own best interest. Not that I've ever done that or anything.
He is so darling. Can't wait to hug on him!!! Sure with we could be there! sounds like fun!
His birthday is the release date for Toy Story 3? Lucky dog.
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