Jan 7, 2008

Forget the Beef! Where's the Basil!?

Another quick blog entry before Wednesday. Stay tuned, it's gonna be a good one.

We had a fun adventure this night, so stupid that it begs to be told.

Tracie makes a delicious Margherita Pizza with mozzarella, olive oil, tomatoes, and basil. When we went shopping, Wal-Mart was out of Basil. In fact, it was out of quite a few things we needed. So, I planned to go shopping later on in the week for the things we needed. (If you haven't deduced that basil was one of the things, I'm sorry, but there's no hope for you. I still love you, I just pity you a bit more.)

I should also say that today both of us had eaten a very early lunch, and we were looking forward to dinner.

Anyway, today, I went to Albertsons to buy what we still needed. They didn't have any Basil, so we went to Harmons. They didn't have any, so we went to Smith's. They didn't have any (starting to see a pattern?) so we went to a different Albertson's. They didn't have any, so we went to Target. They didn't have any, so we went to Wal-Mart again. They didn't have any, so we went to Macey's. THEY didn't have any, so we went to a different Smith's.

Final count: 8 stores. No basil.

So, it being 9:30 and our night of basil hunting fruitless/herbless, we admitted defeat, went home, and ate some delicious honey lime chicken sandwiches with tomatoes and avocado on ciabatta bread. Don't you feel sorry for us.

We wondered if there was some basil epidemic or recall, or maybe it was National Basil Eating day. Or maybe the Mad Mayhem Monster decided to hide them all in all the stores in Orem and Provo.

All I know is, I'm now very angry at my old friend, Basil.
Unfortunately, he's so delicious I can never stay mad for long.

It looks so innocent, doesn't it?


Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

Did you try looking for them in plastic "fresh-pack" containers?

This is where the "window sill" herb growing, little cute pots of plants come in handy.

Still looks like good eating though.

Ashley Thalman said...

smiths in orem.

Tracie said...

Yes, we did look for them in those containers. EVERY STORE WAS OUT OF THEM!!!!!!!! There was dill, chives, rosemary, sage, etc, but NO BASIL. We checked the entire produce section for every store we went to. It was NOT to be found. Trust us.

Anonymous said...

when you are here, you can just go outside and pick as much as you want...Dad has two plants that keep coming back! Love, Mom

Charlo said...

You didn't try the health food stores..

not that they would have them. Basil is a summer herb, so I don't think good earth would be into carrying them out of season.

I'd let you have some of mine, but each plant only has 3 leaves (which looks quite funny on a 1.5 foot tall plant).

I should probably k ill it and get it over with.

BTW, that is one of my favorite disney cartoons. So underrated.Dang it. I neerd to go back to work, but I want to watch that. grrrr.

Charlo said...

You didn't try the health food stores..

not that they would have them. Basil is a summer herb, so I don't think good earth would be into carrying them out of season.

I'd let you have some of mine, but each plant only has 3 leaves (which looks quite funny on a 1.5 foot tall plant).

I should probably k ill it and get it over with.

BTW, that is one of my favorite disney cartoons. So underrated.Dang it. I neerd to go back to work, but I want to watch that. grrrr.

Ammon said...

Ah, it's nice to hear we aren't the only ones searching for produce! I've been looking for cilantro for like 2 weeks. I thought it was just Chile!