May 30, 2008

Guess what!??!?!?!!!

No. We're not pregnant. And I don't think we ever will be. In Vegas, we took one of those morph pictures of what our children might look like. Apparently, our child will have a horrible haircut and look more like Cindy Lou Who than either of us. And where did the brown eyes come from? What's with that hair? Did Mr. Snuffalupagus die on our daughter's head?

They should stop having high school kids take care of eggs or bags of flour or those new robot babies as a form of birth control, and just make them take one of these photos. Yikes.

Let's hope genetics will triumph over science yet again. In our defense, Tracie had trouble posing for the picture, as I was still in the booth and she couldn't match up in the right spot, (they take them so fast) and the machine cost 5 bucks. A face only a mother could love. And if any of you say it looks like us, you're out of the will.


JanB said...

She may still grow up to be cute. But she definitely needs a better haircut.

barterboutique said...

The hair is what makes it laughable. Hello 1984!
Other than that, the face is CUTE!

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

hmm, I am thinking planet of the apes.

No way, your child will be way (WAY) cuter than that!

Jasmine said...

Um, yeah, bad haircut - but I blame that on the parents. ;)

Mandy said...

wow, that is frightening. talk about birth control....

don't worry, I hear those things are only like 80% accurate so you still have a good chance of making a cute baby ;)

Kris said...

I have to agree with Heather's comment. Planet of the Apes anyone? Maybe it's true, we do evolve from apes. :)

Charlo said...

Oh, you spend all your money on movies and TV boxed sets anyway. I wasn't gettin nothin from your will and you know it.

Austin said...

charlotte! shhhhh! don't unleash ALL my secrets!!